Most of the people Linda know who have guns in their house have them for self defense purposes. She does know some hunters who shoot animals on purpose, but she has to pretend she does not know that when she sees them at church or she is afraid she'll shout out something inappropriate like "Stop Killing Bambi!!" Linda does not like any animal killing, but she does believe in self defense... even when that includes killing an animal. If a big scary dog was attempting to eat me for a snack, she would bash their head with an Axe kick. (She's broken four boards with it before in TKD, she could crush a dog skull if she had to. Of course hitting a moving target with any kick might be tricky.)
(This obviously isn't Linda, she doesn't have any pictures doing the break. Besides, a 7-year old could break one board with an Axe kick, Linda is not sure why a teenager is only doing one board at testing.)
She can't understand why a man is being prosecuted and has to go to Superior Court next month to face charges. The Vermont man went out to his garage and came face to face with a 460-pound black bear. The story did not say the bare charged him, but it did say he shot it while it was still in his garage. The bear staggered to the driveway before it died. Police came and cited him with an illegal killing of a black bear. What? It's not like he went out to the woods behind his house and shot one for fun. Can you just shoo a black bear away? I guess he could have shut the door and called animal control officers to tranquilize the bear and take it back to the woods. Once a bear comes near houses though, won't it keep coming back? Plus, what if it ate a toddler playing in a backyard the next time. I'm sure it's not whole story because it just does not make sense as it was reported.