Monday, May 14, 2012
Power Nap
I guess waking up at 5:30 a.m. combined with doing three hours of hard exercise makes you sleepy. Linda came home at 11:30, took off her wet clothes and laid down on the bed for a few seconds. Next thing she knew it was 2:00!! What? If Chimmie wouldn't have licked her face to go outside, she would still be sleeping. Plus, today was the day to meet and discuss the house refinance and income taxes for next year. Ooops, she slept right through it. At least now she feels amazing and recharged for the next round of classes.
Chimmie is doing this new weird thing where he won't come out of his doghouse. It was raining early this morning when she left, and he wouldn't budge to come in where it was dry. Not for a cookie, "The Big Bed" or his Flat Coyote. OK Dumb Dog, stay out in the rain then. When she got back, he still would not move. She had to kneel down and drag him out by the collar. Last year, he was petrified of his doghouse and would not even go near the door. Now, he's back outside in it and hunkered down deep on his comfy bed. Maybe he feels safer in there when it's raining then in his bathroom bed? Whatever. Trying to figure out Chimmie's weirdness is pointless since it keeps changing daily.