Thursday, May 17, 2012


He won't be bringing Penny though.
Today was the first day in a long time that Linda did NOT have to set an alarm.  Her first appointment wasn't until 10:00, so she was going to sleep in.  She even stayed up until 11:30 last night in celebration of no alarm.  Well... when you have a baby or pets, you pretty much at at their mercy of when you have to get up.  I woke her up at 6:15 to go outside.  Since I was up, she opened the bathroom door to let Chim out too so we could all go back to bed for an hour when we were done.  Surprise! Chim decided to act like a newborn puppy and did his business all over the floor, in fact... it looked like 3 separate times!  (I spared you all the photo.)  Out comes the paper towels, bleach, scrubbing brushes and mops.  20 minutes later, she was so awake (and her eyes and nose stung from the bleach) that we just stayed up.  It's really OK though. Besides cleaning the house, she has to practice a routine for tonight's class and she wants to spend some extra time praying for the Africa Missions team that is about to leave.  This is one of the few years that Tierney is not going.  Sarah's little brother Josh will be going for the first time, and she is really believing that God will do might works through him!  P.S.  Jambo is Swahili for Good Morning.  One of the few words Linda knows.