Friday, May 11, 2012

Pennelope Rose

Whew, Linda is tired. She was gone from the house for over 12 hours.  It was a long day, but also a lot of fun.  She taught her regular 3 classes, but the rest of the day was all about Penny!  Sarah and Taylor had a lunch date and went shopping while she stayed at their house.  Penny was the best baby ever!  No crying, lots of napping and hungrily gulping down her whole bottle. Then, Linda got to cuddle her for another 2 hours tonight at church while Mommy and Daddy planted trees and flowers on the church property.  Earlier today, Paul Walker did come by to take us on a trail walk then he took Chimmie with him when he left.  Chip and I kept each other company.   Paul told Linda Chimmie was acting paranoid and scared of his shadow, refusing to walk because a little kid jumped out from behind a fence and scared him.  What a weird dog.