Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Adventures of Mr. Owl and Miss Penelope

Linda had a grand time with Penny.  Right now, she is watching her on Thursdays at Sarah and Taylor's house.  When she gets a little older, she can come to our house so I can be BBF with her too.  Taylor is allergic to me, I have to hope and pray Penny didn't inherit that from him.  

After her first bottle, Linda made Mr. Owl do all sorts of Hoots in fun voices.  Two month old babies are not usually this animated and talkative.  Penny made sounds right back the Owl.  She also had some playtime under the jungle gym. 
When the jungle gym wasn't fun anymore, Linda held her for awhile and told her stories about when Taylor was little.  She thought they were very funny indeed, especially the time Taylor got in trouble for climbing up on the roof.
"And then what happened?"
All the playing and laughing made baby Penny tired, so it was nap time.  Linda said she fell asleep in 30 seconds once she put the Woobie in her mouth. (Not the Flat Fox kind of woobie Chimmie has, this is a woobie made just for babies.)
After her nap and second bottle, Penny chilled in her bouncy seat that plays music.  Linda hung the Owl up on it so Penny would have something to play with. 
"I love my bouncy seat"
They were sitting outside on the deck enjoying the beautiful sunshine when Sarah got home from her shopping trip.  Penny was still hungry, so Sarah fed her right away.  When Linda got ready to leave, it looked like Penny was ready for another nap. 
"Thanks for watching me Nana!"
"Look Daddy is still climbing on the roof!"