Friday, April 6, 2012


  Linda has an exciting announcement that I can't share with you yet.  You'll have to be patient and wait until the first week of May before she can tell you.  (It might be sooner, you never know.) 
It's not the LOL cats, sorry
Not nearly as exciting as LOL cats or Linda's news.... look what the Fed Ex man left on our doorstep today:
The picture won't rotate since my iPhone hates Windows

 Think Thin bars!  Yay for me!!  I've been so jealous of Tierney because her awesome blog is always getting lots of attention.  People send her all sorts of things to review.  Headbands, jewelry and makeup for starters.  This is the first time I've ever received anything.  A few months ago I wrote about how delicious Linda thought the bars were.  I guess they must have been paying attention!!  As soon as Linda gets home from the Easter party, she will eat one and write a full review.  Now, if only a dog food or dog toy company would send us stuff.  We've already issued a challenge that Chimmie can destroy ANY toy on the market in under 15 minutes.