Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Turd Burger

It's not a secret that Chim (OK, me too) has been known to snack from Chip Cat's litter-box.  It's been over a year since we've done it, but when we were puppies, we did it all the time.  Linda had to scoop 3 times a day to keep it super clean. Cleaning up the backyard is another horrible chore she hates.  It's way better than when Snickers and Sheba lived here.  Our turds are harder to find compared to theirs.... well, except when Chim eats a box of 64 crayons, then it makes the scooping a little more exciting.  Scientist in Japan have developed a way to turn human waste into edible people meat.  They do a bunch of stuff to it, then mix it with soy and steak sauce.  For those of you wondering if it's nutritious, it's made up of 63 percent protein, 25 percent carbohydrates, 3 percent lipids and 9 percent minerals. It's colored red so you don't know it's poo.  The major problem (besides that you are eating poop) is that it cost 20x more than it would if you carved it off a cow.  Taste testers say it even taste just like beef.  This is a true story and not one of Linda's crazy dreams.
No thank you.  Linda is going to pass on this one.