Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So Tired......But So Happy

It's a good thing Jerry was able to come over and walk us tonight while Linda was teaching.  She came home at 8:00 p.m. after teaching 4 hard hours of classes.  She was so tired that picking up the blanket to put on her lap while she sat on the couch was actually a challenge.   How could a blanket be so heavy??  She'll have to go to bed soon to get ready for her heavy teaching day tomorrow.  Monday-Wednesday are her hard days, Thursday-Saturday are her easier days (she thinks teaching 3 classes a day is easy!)  No whining though.  Linda is so glad she has a job that involves fitness and does not have to sit at a desk all day.  The aches and pains are worth it, not only personally... but being able to watch the members in her class lower their cholesterol, drop weight and go off blood pressure meds through the classes she teaches. 
I love my JOB!