Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Flying Smiling Fish

We did a long walk while Linda was teaching.  Paul Walker took us around the neighborhood.  Chimmie was rebellious and would not go the way Paul wanted us to go.  He had his mind made up to turn left and PW wanted to turn right!  Then when we crossed the street, Chim body-slammed me to get me out of the way so P would pick him up first!!  What a selfish brute he can be.  After the walk, I found the cookies in Paul's pocket and even figured out how to open the flap on the baggie so I could eat them.  He was focused on playing with Chim, so I had to be sneaky about it.  Linda is home in time to shower, change and get to her certification class tonight.  She's hoping it's done early enough for her to catch part of the teaching at church, but last year it went over 4 hours, so it's not looking like a possibility.  She'll have to get the CD and listen to it at home.  OH.. and there were a few snow flurries in part of NVa this afternoon!  What?? It's been so warm/hot with temps in the 80's.  How could it be that chilly today??

  (Since we did not actually see the flurries, just heard about it on the radio, Linda typed in "spring snow showers" into google so she could post a relevant photo.  This picture came up.  She has no idea what it says or why it was tagged under that heading, but the smiling flying fish made her smile.  If it represents something bad, would you please let Linda know.)