Sunday, April 1, 2012

Palm Sunday

Little Bunny Foo-Foo
Today is Palm Sunday, the week before Easter Sunday.  Back at Linda's catholic church when she was little, she loved Palm Sunday because you got to take home these long skinny palms leaves.  Her Aunt Josie knew how to weave them together to make things. Even though Lina went to 8 years of catholic school, she never remembers being taught what Palm Sunday actually meant. Back in the day, the kids were not allowed to own Bibles.  Only the priests were permitted to read them at her church.  Anyway,  after the service,  Aunt Josie would make a giant platter of home-made pasta (she made dough and cut it in strips to be pasta) and sauce, everyone would weave their palms.  No Palms or pasta today,  it's been a super quite day for me.  Chimmie is spending the day and evening at Paul's house.  Linda had church this morning, then a work meeting, a baby shower and Body Pump practice.   She is home to shower and change and then back out to church for nursery duty.  I can't say I mind much.  Paul did walk us before he left to take Chim with him, and even put some food down for me to snack on if I get hungry. I've been napping, napping, and then napping some more.  Linda feels bad about leaving me again so soon, but she'll be home tomorrow almost all day.    P.S.  Little Bunny Foo Foo is a song that Tierney used to love singing when she was little.