Wednesday, July 1, 2009


The girls are starting on a new detox-fat burning-nutrition program tomorrow. The house is all abuzz with plans. Linda spent the afternoon chopping veggies and fruits for the week. I'm kind of bummed because that means there will not be many "Choopie" snacks from the dining room table. Today, Linda had a green salad and fruit salad. She heated a few peas for me since they are my favorite vegetable. The vet said I need to slim down a pound, so this will help me too. They both plan on doing a blog to document their progress with daily updates and photos. I hope Linda does not hog the computer. I need equal time for my blog too! If it works as good as Linda hopes it will, they are going to become rep's for the program. I'll post the links here and reveal the name of the company in two weeks. (Linda does not want to promote anything that is not healthy or does not offer great results.)