Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bad Hair Day For Sure!

My cardiovascular system is really improving. We have been doing 3 walks a day and today, I did not get carried once! Plus, I did not have one "snort" that happens when my trachea gets squeezed during exertion. One day, I would love to be able to go the entire wooded trail with Linda. It would take us an hour, but it is a beautiful walk. I've done it with the carry pack before, but never on my own 4 feet the entire walk. I'm in training to make the whole trail before the cold weather sets in. I bet I've lost at least 1/2 a pound with all this exercise. My nice Dr. Vet lady is going to be so pleased when she weighs me during my next visit. Here I am during one of my "fat" weigh ins. Boy, I got in trouble for being 5 pounds! Since then, I was down to 4.25 pounds. If I weigh in under 4, I'll be almost my ideal weight.