Thursday, July 23, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about fitness lately. I'm upping the number of my walks and even going farther then usual. Now, I found two more things I can do to add to my exercise routine. I love to dig, burrow and hide under blankets and pillows. The American Kennel Club offers classes in Earthdog. Little dogs like me who love to burrow and search for small rodents actually get to run and crawl through an underground course. There are no real chipmunks, but it is scented with the critters to make our burrowing more fun and exciting. Now, Linda hides my tiny toys and I hunt them down. When I find them, I grab it by the back of their neck and kill them dead. The second activity is called Doga... you guessed it: Yoga with your dogs. Both Linda and I would do class together. Downward Dog, Upward Dog, stretches, and massage are all to relax and improve our range of motion. (I'm guessing I'm the one who gets all the massaging since it would be kind of hard for me to rub Linda.)