Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Now this is beauty

The two girls, not the rotting dear head! Tierney used to work at a store in our local mall. The store sold expensive popular clothes with 2 initials on the logo. Only "attractive" people seemed to work there. All the retail clerks looked a lot like the huge posters hanging in the store and posing in the catalog. Also, I think the biggest size they sell is a 12. I don't know if they purposely did not hire beautiful or overweight people or if only attractive, slim people applied to work there. Now, another store in our mall called American Appeal (I mean Apparel) has a new policy. Stores that are not doing so well with sales have to send in a group associate photo. If there are unattractive people, they are getting the axe because it tarnishes the "AA aesthetic." Even though I am just a dog, it makes me mad that people are fired because of looks. I feel like going in the store and peeing on their floor. UPDATE: Tier googled this story and found a photo of the company's CEO. She said he is ugly and looks like a homeless man! Maybe he should get fired for not being "AA aesthetic."