Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Linda and Tierney ate lunch today at a local Mexican restaurant. They got the same dish, and after the first bite, Linda knew something was wrong. The food tasted like it had intense freezer burn. Tier had eaten more then Linda, but she immediately stopped her. Linda called the owner out and explained the issue. They admitted that the freezer and cooler has had issues keeping the food at the right temperature. Can you believe they served it to them knowing it could make someone sick? Linda contacted the county health department when they left. Tier felt sorry for the owners, but not Linda. If someone died from rotten chicken and she had not notified the authorities, that would kind of be an accessory to murder. They left a tip for the waitress since it was not her fault. The owner kept trying to make them order something different! If the freezer and refrigerator are broken, why would they want to eat anything else?