Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bob, Bob, Bobbing Along

Camping sounds like fun. You get to sleep outside and cook over a campfire. Maybe someday I will get to go with my family. Of course there are dangerous things like foxes, hawks, snakes and fast moving rivers. A 3-year old boy camping with his family got what he thought was a great birthday present. The day of his birthday, the family was camping at a popular park in British Colombia. The boy took his toy plastic truck to the river, and before he knew it... splash! He fell in the fast moving river. His big truck was floating, and the boy climbed on top of it for 2 hour journey 7.8 mile ride down the river. His parents thought he was off playing with other family members. A boater found the boy bobbing along and pulled him into the boat. The kid made sure his truck was pulled out of the water too. He thought it was all a big adventure and had a blast. I'm sure his parents flipped out when the Royal Canadian Police bought him back to the campsite. I'm going to make sure Linda gets me a life vest if we ever go camping.