Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dare to Live!!

I can't even write all the details of this story, because Linda will cry again when she reads it. Dare is a three year old Sheltie. He lives with his two brothers and a wonderful family of humans. They were adopted from a puppy mill after with standing horrible abuse. To spare Linda's sensitive feelings, I won't write what happened to the littest one, Dare. The end result was that he now only has 2 legs, the front and back legs on his right side. Does Dare just sulk in the corner while his brothers play? No way!! He runs, wrestles, walks, plays and acts just like a dog without a handicap. He has learned to adapt. He leans against a wall to drink water and eat his food. When he runs and plays, he has to rest a little more often, but then pushes back up with his 2 legs to run some more. Dare is my hero. Not only does he live life to the fullest, he is also a rehab dog. He visits a local amputee clinic where patients are learning to live without an arm or leg. Wow. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself because of my seizures and delicate trachea. Now I am never going to complain again.