Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pooh's Corner

Chimmie is still alive and kicking (and jumping, rolling, playing, chasing, eating, gnawing and being annoying) this morning. Linda was watching him in the backyard to see where he relieved himself, but she came in to fill her coffee cup and he must have gone then. She is going to go outside and go on a poo-hunt. He likes to go in the left hand corner of the yard, so that is where the hunt begins. She really hopes there is no blood today because the Vet is going to be very expensive. I think her vet does every single test possible and some not even needed to jack up the prices. If there is something wrong with him, she is going to get our medical files and go somewhere else for another opinion. It's time to switch anyway since we've had lots of issues with them in the past. UPDATE: The hunt in Pooh's Corner is over. There was only one fresh prospect and it was normal. Tonight, she is going to take us for a walk (if she survives her 3 in a row classes) and she'll be able to get a better sample.