I'm glad we got our walk before Linda went to church tonight. Even though her leg/hip/back were hurting, it wasn't so bad that she could not take us on a short walk. It progressively got worse and by the time it was time for church, she was in a lot of pain. Staying home wasn't an option, so off she went. Sitting in the chair just wasn't an option either, so she had to go out in the lobby (there is a speaker in the ceiling so she could hear) and sit/lay on the floor. Now, she can only sit for a few minutes before the nerve pinches and she has to move. Linda said I might want to sleep in the kitchen bed tonight since she doesn't think she'll be able to find a comfortable position (third not an option). No way, I'm staying in the big-bed even if there isn't a lot of sleeping going on.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Noah and Choop in the Big Bed
I'm glad we got our walk before Linda went to church tonight. Even though her leg/hip/back were hurting, it wasn't so bad that she could not take us on a short walk. It progressively got worse and by the time it was time for church, she was in a lot of pain. Staying home wasn't an option, so off she went. Sitting in the chair just wasn't an option either, so she had to go out in the lobby (there is a speaker in the ceiling so she could hear) and sit/lay on the floor. Now, she can only sit for a few minutes before the nerve pinches and she has to move. Linda said I might want to sleep in the kitchen bed tonight since she doesn't think she'll be able to find a comfortable position (third not an option). No way, I'm staying in the big-bed even if there isn't a lot of sleeping going on.