Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Linda woke up with a nasty head cold this morning. It actually started yesterday, but it was only annoying. This is full blown. She has been putting hot wet washcloths on her face and breathing steam to break up the concrete feeling in her sinuses. This is her hardest teaching day too. She tried to sub out her classes, but only got 1 yes out of the 5 she teaches today. If she can teach 4, she might as well teach 5, right? Since there will be zero breathing through her nose, the hardest part will be trying to breath, talk and have enough stamina all at the same time. What she really wants to do is go back to bed. I'm being quite and calm to try and help her cope before she leaves to teach, Chimmie is being twice as annoying! UPDATE: Linda slept from 1:30-3:30 to try and rest up before she leaves for the 3 afternoon/night classes. Even Chimmie cooperated this time and slept on the big bed without disturbing her. The second she gets home at 8:00 p.m., she is going to drink a huge glass of water and go back to bed. Rest and fluids!