Tuesday, May 17, 2011

100 Miles to Nowhere

Wow! It's a miracle. It's Tuesday and that means Linda comes dragging in the house all teary eyed and ready for bed. But not tonight. Not one body part hurts (OK, maybe one.. but that's another post.) She is tired, but in a good way not in the "I can't believe I'm actually still alive" way. Even though she gave 100% in all her classes, for some reason she feels great. Collette did all the talking in Combat, but Linda was actually able to go harder with her body because she did not have to keep cuing and correcting peoples form. Maybe she is building up the endurance and stamina to push for 3 solid hours of cardio and also do two TKD classes. She ran into her friend Doug tonight at the gym. She'll never have his endurance. He ran a 100 mile race earlier this month. That's not a typo either. He does it all the time, 100 miles. This is him crossing the finish line. They run and run without stopping to sleep or rest. Crazy? I would say so. He is the guy in the gray shirt just crossing the finish line. I can't even walk 20 minutes without having to be carried. Friends volunteer to run a few miles to keep him company. They probably change out every 10 miles while Doug just keeps pressing on.