I just got back home from a special outing alone with Linda. Since her whole afternoon/evening is free, she decided she would spend time alone with both Chimmie and I. Of course I went first since I'm the princess. We went to the dog park since that is my favorite thing to do. Unfortunately, as you can see from the photo, I was the only dog there! If you look really close, you can see me on the right of the photo near the two tennis balls. There are lots of bowls of fresh water under the tree. People bring gallons of water and leave it there to share. Linda was super worried it would be too crowded, but I had the entire park to myself. It's really too bad Chimmie did not go first because he would have loved being there alone. Last time Chim visited the dog park it was a disaster. Linda had no way of knowing it would be empty though. After I sniffed and explored every inch of the park, we went to Whole Pet. It's a store with just natural and organic food and treats. Linda bought us each a salmon skin bone. The guys said it's super healthy and full of good things for us. Lastly, Linda picked up lunch and we went to our special picnic place near the woods. Now we are home and going to rest awhile before Linda takes Chimmie out for his turn. She is not totally decided what they are going to do yet. Maybe drive to a place called Whites Trail and take a walk there, or they might just go to our trail since Chimmie is not crazy about driving in the car. UPDATE: We all ended up going for a 75-minute hike in our woods. It was amazing, by far the best trail hike we've ever had. I didn't even freak out (much) when we came upon 5 deer were grazing just yards from where I was standing. Linda did carry me the last mile though. Her arm is cramped.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Where's Choopie?
I just got back home from a special outing alone with Linda. Since her whole afternoon/evening is free, she decided she would spend time alone with both Chimmie and I. Of course I went first since I'm the princess. We went to the dog park since that is my favorite thing to do. Unfortunately, as you can see from the photo, I was the only dog there! If you look really close, you can see me on the right of the photo near the two tennis balls. There are lots of bowls of fresh water under the tree. People bring gallons of water and leave it there to share. Linda was super worried it would be too crowded, but I had the entire park to myself. It's really too bad Chimmie did not go first because he would have loved being there alone. Last time Chim visited the dog park it was a disaster. Linda had no way of knowing it would be empty though. After I sniffed and explored every inch of the park, we went to Whole Pet. It's a store with just natural and organic food and treats. Linda bought us each a salmon skin bone. The guys said it's super healthy and full of good things for us. Lastly, Linda picked up lunch and we went to our special picnic place near the woods. Now we are home and going to rest awhile before Linda takes Chimmie out for his turn. She is not totally decided what they are going to do yet. Maybe drive to a place called Whites Trail and take a walk there, or they might just go to our trail since Chimmie is not crazy about driving in the car. UPDATE: We all ended up going for a 75-minute hike in our woods. It was amazing, by far the best trail hike we've ever had. I didn't even freak out (much) when we came upon 5 deer were grazing just yards from where I was standing. Linda did carry me the last mile though. Her arm is cramped.