Saturday, May 28, 2011


We beat our best trail time by 10 minutes! We almost always finish in 75 minutes plus or minus a minute or two. Today we did door-to-door in 65 minutes. It was hot too! Linda had to carry me the last mile. Her arms are tired even though she kept switching sides. Chimmie was slowing down at the end and at one point, she carried both of us for about 200 yards. No way Jose', he is probably pushing 15 pounds now. Linda made him walk like a big boy. We took a short break as soon as we hit the neighborhood. A man was washing his car and Linda asked if both Chim and I could get a drink of water from his garden hose. This pooch loves the hose, I wasn't sure exactly how to do it. Linda had to make a little cup with her hand so I could lap at it. I think all three of us need to kick back and rest a bit. The laundry and chores can wait until tomorrow.