Sunday, May 15, 2011

Money Really Does Grow on Trees

Wow, it's turned into a sunny nice afternoon. All this rain has been great for our flowers and grass, but not so great for walking and lolling on the deck. Linda just got home from a long lunch with a bunch of her church friends. She has some studying to do, so that means we are all going to be sitting outside for awhile. Part of her plans today was to go out and find a new money tree to replace the one Chimmie destroyed. Yes, that is what it was called. A good friend of Linda's did some research and found out the name of it. I don't know why it's called that since nothing about the leaves/trunk/size of it looks like money. Maybe a man named Mr. Money found the plant on some tropical island. Whatever, she is not going to go shopping for one today since its already late and she has to leave early for nursery duty this evening. She'll have time this week between classes. Having learned her lesson, the tree is not going to be on the floor where curious dogs could possibly ruin it.