Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Attack of the Killer Robin

I've read stories about giant birds of prey attacking small dogs. I've written about it a bunch of times too. I've never read about a robin attacking a 15 pound dog though! That happened today and Linda saw it with her own eyes. She had just let Chimmie out in the yard and sat down on the deck steps to watch him. He spied a female robin in the grass and of course, being the insane dog he is, immediately sprinted to catch it. The bird took off in the nick of time, but immediately swooped back down and dive bombed Chimmie on the head with it's beak! Hah! Payback dog. Maybe he'll think twice about trying to catch an innocent bird. Chim just stood there stunned a second and shook his head. Then he trotted away without a care in the world to chew on a stick.