Monday, May 30, 2011

Sticks and Stones

It's way too hot to do our trail walk. We are going to see how it feels around 6:30 this evening. Linda wants to get off the trail before it starts to get dark. If it's still to hot for my breathing issue, we'll wait until much later and just stay in the neighborhood. I've been lazing around napping while Linda is doing her chores. Chimmie has been in and out, mostly hunting for his missing sticks. This morning, Linda found out he had blood in his poo. It was bright red and there was a good deal of it. Mr. Google said if it is bright red, it's likely from a torn intestinal wall from chewing sticks and wood. She collected as many as she could find to throw in the trash, but it's making him crazy not being able to find any. He better not take any more chucks out of the fence or deck because he's mad. There was a dog on the Dog Whisperer who chewed stones. He was obsessed with them and chewed them til his teeth and gums bled. If Chim still has the same amount of blood tomorrow, it's off to the vet to get checked out. Linda will probably have to take out a loan to pay for the exorbitant Vet fees.