Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Chimmie is back to his normal crazy self. He has already chased the ball outside, chased the ball inside, and is now bored with the ball and wants to chase me! Linda is a little mad at me because I jumped off the big bed by myself this morning. It's dangerous for my knees to jump off even a low couch, jumping off the bed is definitely off limits. Luckily, I did not mess up my back left knee, the one that the Vet says I need surgery on. It's kind of her fault though. She wasn't paying attention and did not hear my whine that I wanted to wake up. We were going to order these little doggie steps that go next to the side of the bed, but one of the reasons I love the big bed is that Chimmie can't get up on it. If she bought the steps, I wouldn't have a place that was safe from the big galoot. She could always push the steps to the side (or maybe the back folds in and the steps lay flat) when I'm napping up there and need a time out from Chim. We'll have to reconsider since the cost of the steps is about 100x less than the cost of knee surgery.