OK, Chimmie is not acting himself this morning. He is actually acting normal, like in regular dog normal. He was starving when Linda woke him up (yes, her alarm went off first!) and he did his outside business, sniffed around in the yard awhile and ate his breakfast. Now, he is actually sitting on Linda's lap, quietly watching her type without squirming, wiggling or nibbling on her fingers. She can never remember him doing this before. He usually plays so hard that he crashes and falls asleep in seconds. This calm, Choopie-like behavior is so out of character for him. (Not that Linda is complaining, but it is kind of freaky.) She is hoping it was the longish walk they took right before bed. Maybe that is the ticket to his rambunctiousness, just drain every once of energy twice a day. Since his appetite was good and hes not crying, she does not think it's because he is not feeling well. She'll see how he does after being cooped up for 5 hours today. Check out that loooong leg peaking out from behind coyote. This picture was obviously before he killed coyote, back when it still had ears and a nose.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
New and Improved?? We'll See.
OK, Chimmie is not acting himself this morning. He is actually acting normal, like in regular dog normal. He was starving when Linda woke him up (yes, her alarm went off first!) and he did his outside business, sniffed around in the yard awhile and ate his breakfast. Now, he is actually sitting on Linda's lap, quietly watching her type without squirming, wiggling or nibbling on her fingers. She can never remember him doing this before. He usually plays so hard that he crashes and falls asleep in seconds. This calm, Choopie-like behavior is so out of character for him. (Not that Linda is complaining, but it is kind of freaky.) She is hoping it was the longish walk they took right before bed. Maybe that is the ticket to his rambunctiousness, just drain every once of energy twice a day. Since his appetite was good and hes not crying, she does not think it's because he is not feeling well. She'll see how he does after being cooped up for 5 hours today. Check out that loooong leg peaking out from behind coyote. This picture was obviously before he killed coyote, back when it still had ears and a nose.