Saturday, January 7, 2012

Smart Pups

I would be a great duster
New studies are coming about about dogs and their intelligence levels.  Two different experiments in the last year have shown that dogs are comparable to kids from the age of 6 months to 2 years.  The average dog can understand 165 words and commands.  They also can pick up on the emotional cues and signals from their owners, especially if they make direct eye contact.   Linda has taught me lots of commands and words and I obey all the time.  I also remember things from when I was little. For instance, Jerry used to hand feed me off a spoon and hold me while I fell asleep for the night.  Now when I'm with him, I have to do the same things since that is what he trained me.  I'm totally different with Linda though.  Chimmie does not jump on or play fight with Linda at all, but he does it with Paul Walker.  We are both pretty smart dogs, but in different ways.  Chim is quicker to learn tricks when food is involved.  I'm much better with cause and effect.