Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tug of Love

Chimmie and Noah have been playing for the last 30 minutes.  It still amazes Linda how gentle he is with Noah.  Even when Noah gets a little rough with him, Chim acts like a newborn kitten.  When Noah gives him a dog cookie, he waits and waits until Linda says OK, then he softly picks it from his fingers.  If Noah pulls it back, he just waits again.  Today, they have been playing Tug of War (really Tug of Love since we love him so much!) Although Chim could probably win every time, he lets Noah get the toy about 1/2 the time.  When Chim wins, he brings the toy back and drops it at Noah's feet.  When Noah wins, he laughs and giggles.  Noah has also been dragging around my bed and standing or sitting in it.  Linda heard him say Choo-Choo-Choo!  Yeah!  I knew he would eventually sound out my name.   P.S. Of COURSE Linda stays right next to Noah when ever we are around him.  People should never leave dogs and babies/toddlers alone together without supervision.