Sunday, January 29, 2012

Freezing Fat

Linda was just about to go to bed when she came upon a very interesting internet article on CNN about a brand new way to lose fat.  A chilling new scientific procedure actually freezes the fat off your body.  I don't want to get my hopes up because it's not for pets, just people.  The video shows this suction type of tool that the "Dr." runs on top of your skin.  Some freezing cold water? air? ice? (it didn't specify what was freezing cold) starts blasting away at the fat pockets. You have to let the vacuum thing suck at your fat for a whole hour.  After three treatments, your fat cells are permanently gone. This is actually a quote in the article from the Dr. "Your body gets rid of the dead fat cells naturally without causing any extra bowel movements."  Linda had to reread it three times to make sure it said what she thought it said. Since when do you get rid of fat cells in a bowel movement.  That's news to her.  Anyway, if you want to plunk down $3,600 in cold-hard-cash for the procedure, email me and let me know first hand how it worked.
It would be way cheaper to just pile on some bags of 7-11 ice