Thursday, January 26, 2012

When Moose Attack

There have been a few times over the years that Linda has had to protect me during our walks from a scary dog running free.  There is one particular dog about 8 houses away that comes busting out of the unlocked screen door to get me.  Linda used her mad-dog controlling skills and flipped him on his side and held him down until the owner came running out.  This has happened more than once.  Another time, a big Pit Bull mix actually came after her and Sheba when she was a newborn.  That time she lifted the pup over her head and the crazy dog grabbed on to the back of her jeans.  (Good thing they were baggy!)  Strangers came to her rescue that time.  None of her rescue attempts compare with what a 100 pound, 85 year-old woman did to save her husband.  She was waiting in the pickup truck as her husband was rounding up their dogs after their run.  She heard all the dogs barking like crazy, and got out of the truck to see what was going on.  A giant moose looked like it was stamping to death one of the dogs.  She grabbed a shovel from the truck and ran to save the animal.  As she got closer, she saw it was her husband being killed.  That 85-year old lady whacked the heck out of the moose and even one of the dogs jumped in to help.  Her husband survived, and will be fine, but he got pretty banged up.  I love this story and don't even feel a little bad for the moose.