Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Say NO to the Flu

Linda barely made it through her first two classes today.  She's starting to feel the stomach-bug symptoms.  She says NO WAY!  First, Linda never gets sick even if she has kids sneezing in her face.  Second, she is way too busy to be down for the count.  Just as a precaution, she subbed out her noon class and is looking for a sub for her 3:45 and 4:30 classes.  Right now it's just stomach issues.  No aches, pains, or vomiting.  Since she ate leftovers yesterday, she is convinced that it isn't the flu at all, just some oldish-food that might have been a bit off working its way through her system.  We are both begging her for a walk, but she wants to stay close to home.  Every time we bark and whine, she is putting us out on the deck... where we immediately cry to come back in and start the process all over again.  The wind chill is freezing, so even if she felt 100%, she probably would not take us out.  Every single person she knows either had the 24 hour virus or has someone in their family that has had it.  Maybe they should call off church tonight to quarantine everyone so it does not keep  spreading.  It would be cool if they could all go online and the Pastor can do a live video service!  Her church does short clips of some of the teachings, but it's always a few days after the actual service. Check it out.. Sword of the Spirit 180.