Linda had plans to go to the Basket Ball games tonight. She was going to rush home from her class, change clothes and then go back out to the game. Things don't always work out as planned and you have to be able to roll with the punches. One of her TKD parents did not come to pick up their son. Linda had to stay with him since obviously she would not leave a little child in front of the building while he waited.. and waited... and waited. The little boy was very smart and knew his Mom's work number, so Linda called. "OH.. I'm sorry, a friend was supposed to pick him up. She should be there any minute." OK, sometimes people run a few minutes late. So they waited... and waited some more. Finally, after 2 more phone calls, the person comes to pick him up 30 minutes late (it's only a 45 minute TKD class). OK, change of plans. Instead of BB, she decided to make some dinner. Since she just bought a giant Costco size bag of frozen Talipa, she was going to try and cook some of that. Her friend told her to be careful of fish raised in China because it was gross. Of course when she looked at her bag, that is where the fish is from. Once she gets something in her head, she has to make a new rule. (Her no cow, pig, chicken eating rule has lasted over 30 years.) Linda is going to do some more research on it, but she's thinking most fish out in restaurants come from China since it's cheaper. There is a good possibility she'll go back to being a lacto-ovo vegetarian. She does not want to be stressing about having to read every single package of fish. Being total vegetarian is tough since she has a hard time getting protein, but she'll just have to do her best. The good news for the pets, we got to have Talipa mixed in our food tonight! All of us gobbled up our dinner in record time.
Linda was a vegan for years. It shouldn't be too hard. |
p.s. Linda just googled some photos of tilapa. OK, that is the end of fish for her. YUCK!