Saturday, January 28, 2012

Strong Women and Tired Chihuahuas

I guess Linda isn't as strong as she thinks she is
The decaf coffee Linda had last night just had to be full strength grow-hair-on-your-chest kind of coffee.  Only Cris and Linda got the decaf, and they actually sent the first pot back.  It was so strong that it made the back of Linda's throat dial 911.  The replacement pot was drinkable, but still tasted like a triple-espresso red-eye. (She has no idea what red-eye coffee is, she just hears men who look like they drive 100 miles an hour with one hand on the steering wheel order it at Starbucks.)  Anyway, Linda slept in 10 minute spurts all night.  Combine all the spurts together, and you don't even get a full nap.  The second she would relax enough to start to drift off, her heart would pound and her body jangle (that is the first time I've ever typed that word... jangle..jangle..jangle.)   Since the pets don't always (OK, never) cooperate with Linda's sleep wishes, she had to get up oh-dark-30 to let us outside and feed the almost starved to death Chip Cat.  I've already fallen back to sleep once, Chim is dead asleep now on her lap and Chip Cat is in a food induced coma sleeping it off.  All in all, it's going to be a hard day for Linda to teach her 3 classes (including one where she has to TKD spar with 5-year olds without breaking their little noses. You have to be super alert and have amazing control to do that!) Then she has dinner with Tier and the bowling outing with her friends.  At least Jerry is coming after she leaves to take us on an adventure walk.  When she gets home this afternoon, she might be able to squeeze in a nap. 
"Would you please stop taking my picture when I'm trying to sleep?!"

"I'll bury my head in your robe so I can't see the flash"