Friday, January 6, 2012

New Thursday's

The Body Pump craze is worldwide!
I love Linda's new Thursday teaching schedule.  (So does she!)  Instead of teaching WIM at 6:30 in a gym farther away from our house; she now has a 5:30 Body Pump just minutes from where we live.  This is perfect for so many reasons.  1)  Most importantly, she can go to prayer at church during the real time with everyone else.  Before she would not leave the pool until 7:45 and still had to drive far.  2)  Her feet were not freezing in bed last night!  After WIM, she can't feel her feet for hours and it makes sleeping very uncomfortable.  Even heavy socks and hot foot baths don't warm them up.  3)  She has time to actually eat dinner after class since it's not too late when she gets home.  4) Although she adores her WIM members (she'll still see them Tuesday), there had to be 70 people in the Body Pump class last night.  There were only 4 bars left, so she needs to find out how many there are total so she can report her class size for payroll.  And my favorite, 5) She is home earlier to walk and cuddle us!