Sunday, January 1, 2012

10 Resolutions You Might Actually Keep

The "Waste of Time" folder went from Linda's favorites into the recycle bin a day early.  She decided that she would start the New Year off by NOT wasting time on the internet.  We'll still be blogging everyday, but we both are going to be spending more time on the important stuff and less on the frivolous.  Linda has never been a big New Year's Resolution kind of person.  She has been seeing it fail at the gym for almost 30 years.  People plunk down their $ the first of the year to sign-up since their resolution is to get in shape and lose the weight.  Her classes are packed for 4 weeks, then it's back to the regular crew.  She had 40 people in her class on Friday and asked how many of them joined the gym last year the first week of January as a resolution.  Not one raised their hand.  It would be amazing if every single person who made a commitment to get healthy actually did it!  Our entire insurance and health care system would be completely overhauled because less people would get diabetes, high blood pressure or die from a weight related illness.  Maybe people should make NY's Resolutions they would actually keep, like these:  Number 1)  Gain at least 10 pounds.  2) Eat fast food no less than 4 times a week.  3) Stay away from church (and if you do go, it will just be Christmas and Easter... and on the eve's so it does not mess with your plans.)  4. Park in the closest spot at the mall to avoid the extra walk.  5) Run up your credit card to the max limit allowed.  6) Get a dog and never exercise it.  7) Work late and avoid your family time whenever possible.  8)  Call your friends only when you need something.  9) Don't go to the gym because you'll get sweaty and have to wash your hair.  10)  Fret and worry the world will end in Dec. 2012.