Sunday, August 28, 2011

Whoa! The Deck is Wet!!

Water in a bowl.
I'll probably get 10,000 hits on this photo alone.
We didn't lose our power at all.  And there isn't a branch down in our yard.  Nothing blew away.  Our car is not crushed.  Linda still needs to check downstairs for flooding, but she's believing there won't be any wetness.  It seemed like a normal rain storm to me.  The news guys are really fishing for a story.  Right now, he is holding up some palm leaves that were blown off.  The waves did not even go over the barrier they erected to save the boardwalk.  All in all, lots of hype/planning/panic/ for not much damage in our town.  There might be some areas who were hit hard, but not around where we live.  She is very glad that our gutters were all cleaned and cleared a few weeks ago or they would have come down for sure.  After church, (if the rain has stopped) we are so hitting the trail to look at the flooded  streams.  It's going to be epic since its been raining for over 18 hours.  Now the news guy are saying another huge band of rain is about to hit our town in just a little while.  You can see where Linda collected all Chim's deck toys and put them in his empty water bowl.  She anchored the bowl under the table leg.  The bowl if overflowing with water.  (These are the same exact kind of Hurricane photos they are showing on the national news stations on TV.  I figured if the network executives think they are epic shots, I should put our wet deck photo on my blog.)

UPDATE:  I just checked my stats.  I've already had 57 hits this morning!   I knew that wet deck photo would drive up my readership!!