Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Can't Reach You Choop

Linda loved, loved, loved watching Noah today.  In her heart of hearts, she so wishes she could watch him 5 days a week.  When (and if) we can sell our giant 5-bedroom house and move to a little tiny townhouse, she will barely have to teach at all, just a handful of classes per week to pay for utilities, food and gas. Then she can watch Noah (and of course baby Leonidas) as much and often as she wants.  This has been a hard week for Linda, and it's still not over.  Her goal for summer was to teach her regular class schedule (17 classes), plus a minimum of 4 additional sub classes per week to make up for the 4 she lost when her corporate classes were canceled.  She has been able to meet that goal for all of June and July.  It's starting to look like it wasn't such a good idea.  I'm totally cool with not being walked in the evening or keeping our grass mowed because she is hurting, but I'm not cool with her being in pain.  How smart is it to teach extra classes when it causes you to be in so much pain you have problems teaching your regular schedule?  Because she has already committed to 7 subs in the next two weeks, she will teach them.  BUT... she isn't going to take any more until after vacation.  Saturday she plans on resting from 1 p.m. when she gets home all the way until bedtime.  (Maybe one trail walk, but she'll go slow.)

P.S.  Hopefully, the bees are really dead!  We'll find out in the morning if they survived the latest siege.