Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Felt The Earth Move Under My Feet

By now, the 5.8 earthquake in DC is old news.  Nothing exciting happened at our house.  I looked at Linda with my "carry" eyes and Chim was running around the backyard just like normal.  Linda was washing dishes when the earthquake hit.  All the appliances are secured but the refrigerator, so it was shaking back and forth.  She felt the ground roll like she was in a fun-house at the carnival.  What should she do??? Since she was planning on resting her legs/back before her 3 evening classes, that is exactly what she did.  We all got up on The Big Bed and she read for 30 minutes while Chim and I napped.  Her classes were only1/2 full tonight.  The guy working the front desk said the gym was empty too.  People where calling assuming the gym was closed since lots of companies were dismissed early.  Jerry did come by for our usual walk while she was gone.  We did the trail until it got too dark and we had to finish in the neighborhood.  As usual, we are all heading to bed early since Tuesday is Linda's hardest day.  Night, Night....