Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Eggs Gone Bad

So far, Chimmie's had a great birthday.  He got a long walk with Linda this morning before she left for her classes.  Paul came over while she was gone, and he bought Chim two presents.  One is a duck with a rope tail and the second is a box of his (our) favorite treats:  Blue Star Cookies.  It's the only cookie that I love, love, love and beg for.  I was tired from the morning walk and did not want to go with them.  Chim and Paul hit the trail and took a nice long hike.  It's a good thing he was able to come because Chim would have been stuck in the bathroom for almost 6 hours without a break.  The temperature is pretty nice, but there won't be any walking this evening.  Linda ate some bad egg salad at a local deli for lunch and is feeling pretty awful.  She thought it tasted off (tangy and sour), but attributed to too much mustard or a different type of mayo.  Turns out, it must have been sitting out on the counter too long and not properly refrigerated.  It's not horrible food poisoning because she does not feel like she is going to die, but she does want to stay close to home.  She is already feeling slightly better than she did at 3:00, so hopefully by tomorrow when Noah comes her tummy will be OK.