Friday, August 26, 2011

Not Even an Emergency Yet

The newsmen are saying to batten down the hatches, here comes Hurricane Irene!  At one of her gyms this morning, all the ladies were talking about the coming storm and how best to prepare.  One of the ideas was to fill up your gas tank today and not wait until tomorrow or Sunday when the power might be out.  Sounded reasonable, right?  Wrong... Linda just came home from the gas station and she said it was like every man (or woman) for themselves.  People were short tempered and being rude.  Cars were pulling in from both directions and people who were waiting their turn from one side were made to wait when the other car pulled in ahead of him.  Plus, it was gridlocked so you could not pull out when you were done pumping.  Even mild-tempered, Type B, laid back Linda got her hackles up when a lady who had no business at all driving an F250 pickup could not maneuver the truck in close corners.  She would back up 1 inch, pull up 1 inch and wait 2 minutes before starting the same thing all over.  Linda thought a guy was going to come to blows with the pickup lady, but he stayed in his vehicle.  These signs were sold at Urban Outfitters, but they are out of stock.  If everyone made a set of these, then people could stay in their cars and there would be no fights.  You could just hold up a sign that said, "Lady, put down the cell phone and drive!"  (Please ignore the blue one with the pointing finger.  That one is bad.)  Linda likes the one that says "I'm So Sorry."