Saturday, March 30, 2013

Well Whoopie

What an amazing day!  Spring is in full bloom, and so is Linda's sneezing fits.  We just got back from a long walk and she has been sneezing ever since.  With the beautiful, warm weather comes lots of growing things.  Hopefully, her allergies won't be as bad as they've been in past springs.

Linda found that piece of missing blanket on her chair
Even though Linda was gone 6 hours today, neither Chim or I had an accident.  Chim did throw-up on Linda's favorite black leather chair while she was working.  She had a quilt on top of the cushion, but the vomit seeped through a little onto the leather!  He ate a piece of his black furry blanket last night and it made him sick.  Tonight he isn't getting any sort of woobie to sleep with.  Leather cleaner took care of the stain on the chair and the quilt is in the washer.  Chim ate lunch and seemed fine on the walk so Linda's not too concerned.  He won't be happy tonight when he has nothing to keep him calm when it's bedtime.
Linda will have to eat that cracked one since it won't look pretty

 Linda is making Whoopie-Pies to take to her party tonight/ (Thank you Pintrest. Of course they will look nothing like the perfect picture they posted.)  The batter spread way bigger than she thought it would.  As soon as they cool, she is going to fill them with frosting and make cookie-sandwiches.  Then she is going press sprinkles into the edges because everything is better with sprinkles.  Here are the professional Whoopie Pies.  Linda's won't look anything like this.
How did them get them so perfectly round?

So they don't look too horrible and they taste OK