Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Snow Storm

The best days for Linda are the days she gets up early (5:30 a.m.) and starts about her morning rituals (dog things, reading, prayer, coffee, shower...) and then finds out her morning classes are canceled.  Don't think she doesn't LOVE teaching, she says it's the most amazing full-time job ever, it's just she never has a lot of hours off in a row from anything (except when she is sleeping.)  Her first class isn't until 6:30 p.m. now.  Most people would go back to bed, but since we are all up and energized, she's thinking of maybe trying to take us for a walk before the snow gets deeper.  Both Chimi and I ran off the deck earlier without slipping down the stairs, so it won't be dangerous.  She wishes we had little paw boots to wear to keep our feet dry and warm.
As you can see, accumulation is only about 2-3", but the snow is still falling.  We also have the best back porch lights ever.  It was totally dark when she took this photo. The lights make it look like daytime.  She only keeps them on for us to see walking around the yard.  They are so bright the neighbors might complain.

UPDATE:  It's been steadily snowing since early this morning.  It's warm enough though that it's not sticking to the ground.
 We didn't do a walk since Linda would have had to carry me.  Neither dog would go outside.  She has been making us go off the deck every few hours to pee.  Around 8 a.m. she shoveled the deck steps and they are still not covered after 4 hours of snow.  Weird.  The local news said there are 10,000 people without power, but we are thankful it has not effected our house.  Linda has been cleaning, organizing and studying with her time off.  TKD is canceled today and she doesn't teach until 6:30 p.m.  A mini-holiday!