Monday, March 11, 2013

At Last

Linda has been looking for a small bar-height kitchen set for a few years.  Our kitchen is tiny, way too small for a regular 4 piece set.  Linda sits at our big dining room table to eat.  It seats six, so she kind of feels silly by herself.  When she saw our future new bar table and stools online last week, she knew it was the one she wanted.  The 17 people who bought it gave it all 5 stars, except for one short person who gave it 4 1/2 stars because it was too tall for her petite frame.  That's great for Linda.  She's really tall and was hoping to find something with higher stools.  According to UPS tracking, it will probably be here tomorrow. I'll post a photo when its set up.  It will give a Linda a chance to try her new electric screwdriver (or call a guy friend to come and help her!)

I am so much better tonight!  As the day wore on, I got hungrier and hungrier.  I've eaten 3 times today, (small meals) and even got out of my bed to go to the door when Linda's friend dropped her off some food.  Since I'm better, Linda is torn between taking us for a walk or going to Sweet Frog to taste the new Cinnamon Roll flavor.
Remember Sweet Noah trying Sweet Frog?  We miss him!
This weekend is the Super Pet Expo at the convention center.  I've been before, but if Linda does go on Sunday after church, she won't take us.  There are too many people and it is dangerous for little dogs.  Can you imagine how Chimi would flip-out with that many people all pressed around him?