Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Cupcakes are Mandatory

Linda and I got up at 5:10 a.m. this morning.  When she took me to the backyard, there was only an inch or so of snow on our deck railing.  She figured she better wake up Chimi and make him go outside before the snow really started.  After checking to make sure her morning classes were canceled, she tried to go back to sleep.  Not happening.  Instead, she got up and did some chores before getting dressed to go to the grocery store.  Last night the parking lot was jammed, so she figured she'd just go early today.  The roads were just wet and sidewalk slushy.  She only saw 4 other people shopping in the store.  Two of them were buying beer or wine, one was buying an ice scraper and the other one was buying cupcakes (which Linda wanted to get so bad!!)    The cashier told her our power company is turning off the big transformer this morning to work on it before the possibility of our area losing power.  She thinks we are on that transformer too, but she's not sure.  Usually, when we don't have power, neither does the shopping center down the street.  The snow is falling pretty hard now, and the roads are totally white. 

There are so many things Linda wants to get done today.  Besides cleaning and laundry, she really needs to organize her closet.  She's too embarrassed to put a before picture on the blog, but she'll put an after photo later.  If the roads are not slippery, she wants to go visit Sarah and Penny too.