Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cowgirl Penny and Sparring

Penelope has graduated at church. Linda will no longer be able to play with her when it is her nursery night.  It's a sad/happy time for Linda.  She is happy that Penny is walking and doing big-girl things.  Penny is so much fun to be around.  Her mission is to make you smile and she'll do adorable tricks to achieve that. The sad part is she is growing up too fast!!  The nursery is for infants and babies who don't walk.  Now she'll be in toddlers with all her other friends.  The toddler room has way more toys and even a little slide.  They have video time, story time, snack time and free-play time.  It's much more structured than being in the nursery where the little ones can sleep the whole time if they want. 
"My Mommy is the real deal"
 Linda was talking to a friend in the lobby after church this AM and he noticed that it was actually snowing.  It was just a tiny bit, you had to strain to see the flakes.  It stopped before she even got to her car. The weather guesses are saying that our area will get mixed rain/snow tonight.  If her classes are canceled in the morning, she'll be sad.  She's been reviewing a different Body Combat release and wants to teach the choreography will its fresh in her mind.  (For those readers that don't now what Body Combat is, think of fighting with the air.  You don't actually make contact with a partner or pads.  It's still an amazing workout though.)

The Real Combat Stars