Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Has there ever been a sweeter baby than Noah? I don't think so. He is just a bundle of love and cuteness. Even I love him, and as you know, I don't like toddlers or babies very much. I'm not one bit jealous Noah loves Chimmie more than me. Chimmie thinks Noah needs to be entertained every second he is here with flips, jumps, rolls and prancing around on his back feet. Noah laughs so hard and looks so adorable that Linda is going to make a youtube video next time he is over. It will go viral and everyone will want to watch the laughing baby and crazy puppy. She'll also include a clip of him trying to poke my eyes since I sit there so patiently and let him. Since he's so little, it doesn't hurt one bit. When he turns 1 years old, the poking must stop.