Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Not Even Close

Yesterday when we were walking in the neighborhood, Linda almost had to use her ninja skills to save Chimmie. A man she had never seen before was standing next to a parked panel van with the side door open. He might have been some kind of workman looking for tools, but she could not tell. I was riding in the carry-me pouch, but Chim was running ahead on the leash. Chim thinks everyone is his best friend, so he ran right up to the guy. Before Linda could stop him, the man picked up Chimmie! She was panicked that he was going to dog-nap him, just hop in the open van door and drive away. Chim was licking and kissing him like he was his long-lost owner or something. The man said it looked just like his dog, an American Staffordshire Terrier. Linda said "Please put down my dog" in her "don't mess with me voice." The guy did right away, so she thought nothing of it and just figured the guy was a dog lover. When she got home she googled that breed of dog. Yeah, right. They look identical.