Saturday, June 4, 2011

Our Future Dog House

Today was the first time Chimmie spent 5 hours alone out on the deck. The weather is beautiful, so Linda thought he would be OK that long. There is lots of shade including his igloo doghouse which he is afraid of, his pup tent which he loves, a big round table and his favorite, the little shady spot under the chair Linda sits on. She left two giant bowls of water just in case he was a dope and stepped in one by accident. He was just fine when she got home, so unless it's super hot, he'll be the deck dog when she is working. If she knew he would not try to break out of the fence, she would let him run the backyard too, but until she can trust him 100%, he'll have to be confined. Paul is coming this afternoon to fix Linda's broken deck step. She almost tumbled head first down the entire flight last night (for like the third time now.) She was carrying Chim to the yard and forgot how bowed and loose the step has gotten again. It's a good thing the angels protected her and she did not fall. While Paul has his hammer and nails out, I am going to ask him to build us this dog house with it's own deck and bone shaped swimming pool. I'm sure he will if I give him my puppy dog eyes.